Norwalk High School bowling team competes under new head coach
Russ Greenwood encourages bowlers during a meet at Air Lanes in December of 2021. Greenwood took over as head bowling coach for the 2022-2023 school year.
January 18, 2023
Recently, head bowling coach Nathan Stocker retired, leaving an opening for the old assistant bowling coach, Russ Greenwood. Greenwood is hoping to add new things in order to promote success within the bowlers.
“This year I will include more drills designed to improve our spare conversion, knowing the more spares we convert as a team, the more competitive we will be,” Greenwood said.
Some drills include rolling the ball between two pieces of felt set as boundaries, spending the end of practice focussed on hitting the corner pins, and practicing relaxation techniques to promote focus.
Greenwood set his expectations high for this year’s team. His goals include to win state in the individual event and team event, and win the conference tournament.
“I understand my goals contain extremely high aspirations,” Greenwood said. “However, I also know, just like in life or bowling, we have to adjust. My expectations for the season will change as well.”
Student Emerson Fels has his own experiences with bowling that affect his expectations.
“I want to be able to do my best on the given day,” Fels said. “I was five points from making it to state last year and expect and hope to make it there this year. I was interested in bowling at a young age and wanted to continue playing as I got older.”
Greenwood said his own experience with bowling has affected his qualities as a coach. He thinks it is something all families of any age can enjoy.
“To me, being a coach means to help others become the best version of themselves,” Greenwood said. “I listened and observed several practices at the bowling alley while preparing for my own bowling league and saw an opportunity to help.”